MATH 2300: Calc 2 (Fall 2024)

Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Mon/Fri 11am-12pm, Wed 4-5pm
Office: Math 218

Weekly Work

Each week, excluding exam weeks, we will have an in-class quiz on Friday worth 6 points. Your weekly work grade (out of 10 points) is made up of 6 points (for the quiz) and 4 points for participation. The participation points are based on attendance on Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri OR completing a reflection.

To get participation credit for completing a reflection, answer one of the reflection prompts and submit it to the corresponding Weekly Work assignment on Canvas.

  • You can either type your response into Canvas or write it on paper then scan and upload a pdf.
  • Your reflection should be approximately 3-4 sentences.
  • Make sure to include the number of the prompt that you are responding to.
  • Reflections are due Sunday at 11:59pm following the week corresponding to the weekly work (e.g. reflections for Weekly Work 1 are due Sunday, Sept 1st).

Link to reflection prompts.

Week 1 Handouts (Aug 26th-30th)

8/26: Antiderivative Review (solutions)
8/30: Trig Integrals - sin/cos (solutions)

Derivative and Antiderivative Reference
Trig Reference

Week 2 Handouts (Sept 3rd-6th)

9/3: Big 12 Trig Integrals (solutions)
9/6: Trig Sub Practice (solutions)

Trig Sub Reference
